Thanks to the communication tools offered by the Cheese and Dairy Product Show, stand out and communicate about your presence.


Boost your stand traffic, strengthen your professional network and generate year-round leads.
  • Banner on the "badge request" page
  • Home page banner
  • Logo on orientation map
Website of the show

Banner on the "badge request" page

  • Your advertising banner visible as soon as the EP opens
  • A potential of over 8,000 contacts
  • A single advertiser Format: 320x50 or 468x60 or 728x90 px / visual to be supplied by advertiser with redirection link
Contact us
Visual of the advertising banner made available on the site.

Homepage banner

  • Your digital banner on the homepage of our website
  • Size: 7208 x 90 px
  • Banner and redirect link to be done by the adverstiser
  • Only 3 advertisers.
Contact us
Picture of the road map of the show.

Logo on orientation map

  • Your logo in the orientation map set up in different places of the show (welcome area, VIP and Press clubs, events areas...)
  • Size of the logo: 5 cm x 5 cm (pdf ou eps)
Contact us


Capture attention, enhance your image and stand out from the crowd.
  • Dedicated Workshop (exhibitor)
  • Lanyards
  • Registration to Coups de Coeur contest
  • Your ad on Visitor and Top Buyer ebadge
2 people giving a talk

Dedicated Workshop (exhibitor)

  • 45-minutes slot in the Agora des Experts to organize a tasting, presentation, conference…
  • Included in the price: package of 50 invitation cards to invite your customers and prospects, integration of your intervention in the official program (website, press kit...), host and maitre d'hotel, sound system of the space, video broadcast screen or presentation.
  • 5 slots of 45 minutes available - first come, first served, depending on the programming.
Picture of a visitor badge.

Your ad on Visitor and Top Buyer ebadge

  • Your advertising visible on all ebadges Visitor and Top Buyer upstream and on the show
  • From mid-October to February 27, 2024 / distributed to approximately 8,000 contacts
  • Format: 105 mm (width) x 145 (height)
  • File to be provided in eps or pdf
Image of a visitor cord on the show.


  • Self-service distribution at the entrance and show areras of your lanyards with your brand
  • Lanyards must be given by the exhibitor : 5,000 ex minimum
  • Only 1 advertiser
Contact us
Logo of the coups de coeur contest

Registration to Coups de Coeur contest

  • Free registration for the 1st product
  • Paid registration for the 2nd and following
Contact us


Give your staff and guests a unique experience
  • Evening party
Une table remplie de fromages

Evening party

  • Organize a party on your stand at the close of the show
  • Authorization for an event on your stand from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m
  • Please note that all your guests must have their show access badge beforehand.