25 professionals have just selected the 9 "Coups de Cœur" (Heartfelt Favorites) for 2024 out of 180 presented and tested products. There will be something for every palate!
Fourme de Montbrison, Gruyère AOP, and Ossau-Iraty are among the 9 cheeses that have been chosen as the "Coups de Cœur" of the 2024 Cheese and Dairy Products Fair. There's also a churned butter with sea salt crystals, the sole representative of dairy products...
On December 6th, an exceptional jury composed of 25 professionals from around the world gathered to select these nine products. In addition to cheesemongers and the management of the Cheese and Dairy Products Fair, the jury included representatives from the Belliard Vocational School, journalists, as well as representatives from Brazil, Italy, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and Ukraine. The choice was particularly challenging, with 180 products in competition! Ultimately, three countries well-known for their cheese heritage have won the jury's "Coups de Cœur": France, Italy, and Switzerland. A selection that rewards excellence, diversity, and the originality of cheeses and dairy products.

Ultimately, three countries well-known for their cheese heritage have won the jury's "Coups de Cœur": France, Italy, and Switzerland. A selection that rewards excellence, diversity, and the originality of cheeses and dairy products.

Picture of the "Taupinette" cheese. Taupinette with dill (Photo: SFPL)

For France, we have:

  • Ossau-Iraty – booth B 059
  • Taupinette with dill – booth A 086
  • Extra-fine churned butter with Noirmoutier sea salt crystals – booth K 066
  • Goat cheese moelleux – booth D 070
  • Saint Nectaire fermier AOP Paille Caves Soron – booth E 059
  • Fourme de Montbrison AOP – booth E 059
Picture of the "Surfin'Blu" cheese. Surfin'Blu – Quattro Portoni (Photo: SFPL)

For Italy:

  • Bufarolo Stagionato – booth F 096
  • Surfin'Blu – booth F 096

For Switzerland:

  • Gruyère AOP Vieux-Fribourg 15 months – booth J 094

All nine "Coups de Cœur" cheeses and butter will be present at the upcoming fair from February 25th to 27th in Paris.